May 16th ,
2011 - Finished the skybox-like ground and worked on interior
20th ,
2010 - I think I need to change the concept of the map as the compiler
error (brush with too many surfaces) returns as I add more detail
again. I plan to cover the lower part with clouds.
August 20th ,
2010 - Now with reflections incl. normal maps done via a decal material
July 13th ,
2010 - I had to remove all the interior due to an odd compiler limit
(see screenshot of the bug here). Created a window texture instead. It's
better for rendering performance as well.
May 14th ,
January 29th ,
23rd ,
2009 - I'm adding more and more detail
25th ,
2009 - the clock is a blender model

4, 2008
- No,
that's not
your cursor there ;)